
Pr. James Oliver

Professor and Direction of Innovation, Iowa State University, United States of America


XR Trends: Challenges and Opportunities in the Automotive Industry

Marius Dupuis

Chief Executive Officer, ASAM e.V.

“ASAM standards – from simulation to SDV”

The early simulation standards which are today part of ASAM’s portfolio, emerged from within the automotive industry long before they were handed over to the ASAM association. OpenDRIVE was introduced to the public at the Driving Simulator Conference 2006 in Paris. And OpenCRG joined shortly afterwards. Other standards like OpenSCENARIO, and OSI followed a similar pattern. But it was only under the roof of ASAM that these standards got traction to a point where the wider industry drove the adoption and further development.
This keynote – even though it will briefly highlight the past milestones of the simulation standards – will be mostly analytic and looking forward. Which use cases and markets were enabled by the simulation standards – for OEMs and tool suppliers? Why did OEMs drive the early development and are still active today? What’s working well and what’s still missing? And, finally, how does all this fit into emerging technologies like the software-defined vehicle (SDV)?

Industrial Keynotes

Thomas Nguyen That

Head of Strategy & Products, AVSimulation, France

Dennis Marcus

Commercial Manager Automotive & Motorsport, Cruden, Netherlands

Didier Wautier

Head of Autonomous Vehicle Simulation & Virtual reality department, Renault, France


“From Digital vehicle to Virtual twin to Immersive virtual twin”

The digitalization of Renault Group is not new, but it is intensifying as the company transforms itself into a “Tech Company”. This is essential to keep pace with the growing technological complexity of vehicles, the ever-increasing number of technical and regulatory requirements, and the continuous improvement of existing and future vehicles in a connected world. In recent years, the tools available to Design and Engineering have become so advanced that virtual reality has overtaken physical reality. The digital twin exists before the vehicle itself, and evolves throughout the design process, without forgetting to include the customer in the design loop. Depending on the stage of the project, we speak of digital vehicles, digital twin and immersive digital twin. Their fields of application range from design and development to tuning and homologation.